Should you use hypotaxis or parataxis in business writing?
Instead of explaining the difference between the two, I’m going to try show you.
This paragraph is written in a hypotactic style:
Although a public announcement will be made later in the week, I wanted to tell you personally that as of the first of next month, I will be leaving my position to accept a three-year assignment in our Joburg office. As soon as further details about the management of your account are available, I will share them with you.
This paragraph is written in a paratactic style:
I wanted to tell you personally that I will be leaving my position to accept a three-year assignment in our Joburg office. This will happen from the first of next month. I will have further details about the management of your account soon, and I will share them with you. The business will make a public announcement about this later in the week.
Which do you prefer? Which do you think is more appropriate for business writing?